Many people experience one or more health problems caused or exacerbated by compression or impingement of critical physical structures in the upper cervical spine. Chiropractors trained in upper cervical care use slow, gentle techniques and other treatments to improve upper cervical alignment and help their patients experience a better quality of life.
$99 New Patient Special
- Cone Beam CT (3D imaging)
- Vestibular testing (looking for balance and stability issues that increase stress and muscular tension)
- Postural analysis (structural alignment)
- Sensorimotor Integration testing (looking for smooth, coordinated movement of the head and neck)
- Neurospinal Assessment (assessing each joint for specific movement)
- Oculomotor testing (precision, accuracy and smoothness of eye movements that can contribute to spinal problems)
- Specific Chiropractic adjustment custom tailored to your spine.
What Is Upper Cervical Care?
At the top of the cervical spine rests the C1 and C2 vertebrae (i.e., small bones forming the backbone’s upper part). They’re also known as the atlas and axis, respectively. The entire cervical spine has a total of seven vertebrae. Yet, the atlas and axis are often the primary cause of brain stem and blood vessel compression, nerve impingement, and related problems.
Upper cervical care reduces compression and impingement using specialized and specific adjustments. Consistent treatment over time aligns the vertebrae properly so that all structures can heal naturally without further pressure or damage.
How The Align Chiropractic Process Works

1. Be Truly Heard
The first visit is where we take the time to truly listen to you, and understand your problem and how it is affecting your life. Once we’ve listened and answered all your questions, we do a complete NeuroStructural Exam to get to the root of what’s causing the issue. In almost all cases, we will also be able to start the process of getting you feeling better on the very first day.

2. Get A Customized Plan Of Action
Once we’re clear on what’s causing the problem, then we will have a customized game plan to correct it as effectively and efficiently as possible. Generally we create a plan of specific adjustments tailored to your body, as well as very specific neurological rehabilitation of the eyes, ears and neck to get you the best results in the shortest time.

3. Live A Life Free Of Limitations
Enjoy getting back to doing the things you love to do, want to do, and need to do. With less pain, better balance, and more energy, you’ll be able to be the best version of yourself, free of limitations. Don’t put off feeling great any longer. Schedule today and get your life back!
The Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Difference in Forest City, NC
Upper Cervical vs. General Chiropractic Care
Unlike a general chiropractor who might incorrectly apply high-pressure or high-velocity adjustments or similar techniques to the entire neck, an upper cervical chiropractor specializes in gentle pressure and slow speed with precise adjustments and manipulations of the two vertebrae to realign the upper cervical spine and stabilize the head in safe ways. The treatment attempts to restore optimal alignment and helps correct balance and posture issues without taking unnecessary risks in such a delicate area of the body.
A comprehensive consultation and exam, including X-rays, pinpoint areas of misalignment, arthritis, and other health issues. Cervical subluxations can occur in many ways. As a result, the doctor must learn a patient’s history and then use a custom approach. During the initial consultation, we evaluate your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. We perform a physical exam and attempt to determine the extent of your symptoms. We assess multiple areas, including posture and range of motion.
Spinal corrections in the upper cervical area are gentle and don’t involve any rapid movements or “back cracking” often associated with chiropractic treatment. At follow-up appointments, the doctor continues to assess and correct any continued levels of compression and impingement.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic for Subluxations
When speaking to patients about upper cervical care, we often use the term “subluxation” in place of “misalignment” to describe the status of the C1 and C2 vertebrae. These terms are interchangeable. Subluxations occur whenever the atlas and axis vertebrae move into the wrong positions or lose range of motion. Multiple types and levels of subluxations can happen individually or simultaneously. We aim to reverse subluxations to restore range of motion and reduce compression and impingement as much as possible.
Why X-rays Are Important for Upper Cervical Care
X-rays reveal cervical spine and other physical problems that human eyes simply can’t see from an external perspective. With cervical spinal care, these scans often reveal more than C1 and C2 misalignment. They can reveal irregular curvature of the cervical spine, weakened or damaged bones, arthritis, and other joint issues. X-rays also reveal non-spinal health issues that have an impact on alignment, such as nearby structures that cause misalignment, like cervical or “extra” ribs and scar tissue.
The Benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Forest City, NC
The main goal of upper cervical care is to restore upper cervical spine health and activate your body’s natural healing ability. Everyone can benefit from upper cervical care. That said, our patients usually hope to achieve one or more of the following goals:
- Chronic pain relief and reduction in bouts of acute pain
- Correction of balance and coordination
- Improved brain, blood vessel, nerve, and overall physical functionality
- Increased energy levels and overall feelings of positive well-being
We often see patients who suffer from a range of maladies, including headaches and migraines, lower back pain, muscle tension and sleep disturbances. Our second most important goal is to help these patients re-establish a baseline of good health and assist them with never dropping below that level again.
What Conditions Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Help?
Upper Cervical Chiropractic can treat a wide range of conditions and symptoms. Here are some of the things this specific type of chiropractic care can help with.
Your entire life passes through your cervical spine. Your brain and body communicate via your spinal cord, controlling and coordinating every voluntary and involuntary action your body takes. Many people have no idea that small misalignments of the atlas and axis can cause big disruptive changes to their health and well-being. Upper cervical care helps in a variety of ways:
- Autoimmune Conditions
- Back and Neck Pain
- Blood Pressure Issues
- Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches and Migraines
- Muscle Stiffness and Weakness
- Post-Concussion Syndrome
- Posture Problems
- Respiratory Issues
- Sciatic Nerve Pain
- Sleep Disturbances
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- TMJ Disorders
- Traumatic Injuries
- Vertigo and Meniere’s Disease
Patients often feel more positive and uplifted after they receive care because they no longer have as much fatigue or pain to deal with daily. These physical improvements impact their emotional and mental health as well. They might feel less anxiety, depression, and fear because they suddenly find that they can enjoy a more active and productive life.
What Can I Expect After Upper Cervical Care?
Fixing upper cervical spine misalignment doesn’t happen in a day. The length of care is determined by the severity of your condition, how long it has gone unaddressed, and your health goals. We care about more than improving symptoms. We attempt to improve your overall state of being and long-term health. For this reason, we make lifestyle change recommendations. We might even refer you to other doctors to address underlying concerns and follow up with these specialists to create a better plan to guarantee that any positive effects from upper cervical care last over time.
We also offer therapeutic care for patients who want to ensure their upper cervical spine doesn’t become weak or misaligned early in life. For those patients, we provide preventative care. They might not even have any symptoms. We provide customized holistic recommendations that include stress-reduction therapies and neck- and posture-stabilization exercises. If we find early evidence of age-related problems, such as arthritis and osteoporosis, we help them seek early intervention.
Check Out Our Location Near You
221 Low Bridge Rd, Forest City, NC 28043
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any restrictions after the treatment?
Although patient needs differ based on unique circumstances, we typically tell all patients to reduce strenuous and vigorous activities. For example, we don’t want you to overdo exercises, perform heavy lifting, or make sudden, fast head and neck movements. We need you to allow your body to heal without unnecessary strain. We also want you to practice good posture. We might provide you with in-home exercises or a dietary plan and advise you to pay closer attention to your body for early warnings that you’ve pushed yourself too far.
How long does upper cervical care take to work?
The procedure takes only seconds unless we use other techniques to relax your neck and shoulders first. After the procedure, the number of future realignments and appointments depends on many factors, such as the length of time you’ve had the misaligned vertebrae, the severity of the subluxation, and other conditions that can exacerbate the stability of your upper cervical spine. Every patient has different needs. You might notice improvement almost immediately and then find yourself struggling with symptoms. The process might take weeks or even months.
Are upper cervical adjustments safe?
Yes. We would never offer our patients unsafe, untested, or unproven treatments. If you are new to adjustments, you may experience soreness, much like after working out after a long break. Adjustments are a natural healing mechanism and do not carry the side effects associated with spinal surgery or opioid painkillers.
Will upper cervical care help me?
Without consultation and evaluation, our team has no way of knowing if upper cervical care is right for you. However, people throughout the country deal with symptoms daily that this form of healthcare might reduce or eliminate entirely.
Of course, we know that many people have serious health issues that they live with every day without ever considering that their spine is the source of their pain, weakness, or other symptoms. The best way for you or a loved one to determine if upper cervical care is the right course of action is to schedule an appointment so we can provide a thorough evaluation.
We look forward to helping you thrive!
$99 New Patient Special
Includes Cone Beam CT (3D imaging), Vestibular testing (looking for balance and stability issues that increase stress and muscular tension), Postural analysis (structural alignment), Sensorimotor Integration testing (looking for smooth, coordinated movement of the head and neck), Neurospinal Assessment (assessing each joint for specific movement), Oculomotor testing (precision, accuracy and smoothness of eye movements that can contribute to spinal problems), and Specific Chiropractic adjustment custom tailored to your spine.